Friday, 26 March 2010


Friends of Langold Country Park.


After meetings in Langold, Carlton and with the Friends group the BOWLES GREEN LTD, consultants to B.D.C. here are the issues and proposals they have come up with.

1. Touring Caravan Park on old railway sidings site, next to Andy’s café.
2. Direct road link from old Colliery gates to car park behind bandstand field.
3. Youth centre, changing rooms/café at cricket and bowling green site, plus car park.
4. Existing Car park at Kiosk, to be turned into disabled parking only. (Church St. entrance)
5 Improved information centre, were bicycles may be hired and the hire of boats to be purchased.
6. Proposed new swimming pool, (covered in) to be built on existing site of bathing pool.
7. Bike and walking trails on and around lake and old colliery tip.

These are only PROPOSELS which we as a group whole heartedly support.

New toilets.
A new toilet block should be built by the end of this financial year, on the site of the existing toilet block next to the Kiosk.

This years annual gala will be on Sunday 18th July, 2010 from 12pm onwards at the park.
Any one wanting to help, which we are needing, contact Paul on 07815602562, or would like to bring an attraction to raise funds for next years gala contact above number, we are looking for tug of war competition, junior football etc.etc.

Opening soon.
Information centre.
A park Information centre will be hopefully be opening at the lake during late spring 2010.

HELP is wanted to man the centre on a rota basis at week-ends to start with, we hope to get funding to pay for this, the centre is on the old life saving hut site.

We are also asking for memorabilia of Firbeck Colliery, sports or life saving of the lake and park, also any old photos of the lake and park, gala events, life saving, colliery, cricket and bowling, we could copy or borrow to display in the centre for future generations.
This would be much appreciated.

For Information.

Contact:- Paul Wrobel mobile 07815602562 or Email

Our next Friends meeting is on Monday 19th April, 2010 at the Park Information Centre.
WE WELCOME any Residents young and old to come along and join us, in these exciting times.

Paul Wrobel ( Chairman ) Friends of Langold Country Park.


  1. Never mind all the above proposals, why doesn't someone do something about the old swimming pool and the rubbish that been slung over the bridge. It stinks to high hell when passing. Get some volunteers, or use some money that was allocated to this area, please.

  2. How about building a toilet with hoisting facilities so people that are in wheelchair and can’t get out without help as we have to come home when my missus has to go toilet because there is nowhere for her to go

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